Personal Trainers | Harleston | Norfolk

Personal Trainers

Terry Hope

Adam Cooper

After being overweight all of my adult life, I hit a point where I knew I needed a change. In January 2022 I started my journey and over the next 18 months I managed to lose just over 12 stone.

This journey made me know what I wanted to do in my life which is to help people with their fitness. Whether your goals are weight-loss, muscle gain or overall fitness I am here to help.

As a qualified Personal Trainer and Nutrition Advisor, I can give you help with both the exercise and nutrition aspects of reaching your goals.

Reach me by email on:
OR by instagram on: build.with.hope

Ross Lomax

Ross Lomax

As a keen user of the gym and studio instructor I am motivated to pass on my knowledge and experience to others to enable them to reach their goals whether its weight loss or body building. I can also provide you with nutritional and dietary advice to help you on your journey to a healthier you.


Find out more about our personal trainers and how they can help you achieve your goals...

To find out more call 01379 852088 or email click here